
APL to Scan Exports from Japan for Radiation Before Loading Ships

April 5, 2011

Beginning April 6, global shipping line APL will begin radiation scanning of containerized Japanese exports delivered to its marine terminal at Yokohama for transport on APL vessels.

The decision makes APL one of the first container carriers to undertake large-scale cargo testing for radioactivity since a March 11 earthquake and tsunami damaged Japanese nuclear reactors north of Yokohama.  The carrier said it expects to scan approximately 200 containers daily.

"We are taking this step to protect our people and to do what we can to ensure that our customers' cargo moves without delay," said APL President Eng Aik Meng.  "We will continue to scan as long as it is necessary to ensure we are not putting our people or customers' cargo at risk."

APL commenced limited scanning March 26 and found no abnormalities.

Source: APL