Avercast Offers Forecasting & Planning Platform in the Cloud
Avercast, provider of a forecasting and planning platform for inventory optimization, is now offering its product in the cloud. The application was tested with the help of several customers over the past 12 months, the vendor said. The new version, it claimed, results in reduced implementation time and cost. It offers users the ability to plan with multiple facilities worldwide, collaborate with suppliers on a real-time basis and make "on-the-fly" decisions that affect the cost of goods. The transition to a cloud-based platform can take place in as little as two weeks, Avercast said. The company's supply-chain professionals can help to set up a daily exchange of data with the customer's enterprise resource planning system. Avercast's forecasting technology includes 185 algorithms to optimize product trending, sales seasonality, new-product introductions, mature and aging products, intermittent demand and low-volume and slow-moving goods. The vendor, which focuses on small to medium-sized companies, also offers a dedicated sales and operations planning (S&OP) application.
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