
Norwegian Construction Firm Uses RFID to Track Location of Tools, Equipment

September 30, 2011

Central Norwegian construction firm Grunnarbeid, having tested an RFID solution to track its tools as they are transported to-and stored at-construction sites, is deploying the system throughout its operations. The company is currently in the process of applying EPC Gen 2 ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) passive RFID tags to approximately 1,000 pieces of high-value equipment, as well as installing devices containing an RFID reader, a GPS unit and a cellular communications radio on 88 delivery vehicles and 50 containers.

Once the system is fully deployed, Grunnarbeid expects to have increased visibility regarding where tools are located and when they are removed from a specific site, thereby reducing the amount of time employees spend delivering, picking up, searching for and transporting equipment from one job site to the next. A clear understanding of where equipment is located, explains Janne Tellefsen, Grunnarbeid's marketing consultant, will make it unnecessary for staff members to make trips seeking or delivering equipment that may already be on site, but not yet documented.

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