SupplyChainBrain Translates Into Spanish; Signs Up Crowley

May 30, 2007, the free online service that allows shippers and freight forwarders to select ocean carriers, has created a version of the site in Spanish. The move is in response to large-scale adoption of the service in Latin America. offers free hosting of any carrier schedules via an electronic data interchange (EDI) connection. Registered users can now configure the interface to operate in Spanish, with the site's navigation working exactly as it does in English. They can search carrier schedules for all global ports of origin and destination, independent of the user's location. The site gathers data through integrated electronic links with carriers, providing information on the voyages of carriers representing more than 80 percent of the slot capacity of the world's top 25 ocean carriers. uses AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to create fast interactive searches. It allows only those schedules that need updating to be instantly displayed, avoiding the need to reload an entire Web page every time a user makes a search or applies a filter. In a related development, Crowley Maritime Corp. is now listing its schedules on Based in Jacksonville, Fla., Crowley provides liner, logistics, petroleum and marine services in domestic and international markets.