
Home Improvement Company Saves $100M+ with New Multi-Channel Distribution Program

April 24, 2012

Solution: Rollout of further RDC's included pointed information on space analysis, material handling layout, staffing analysis, space impact, training material, communication templates, reporting requirements, critical path task list.

Results: The Multi-Channel Distribution Program that our team and our client developed and executed resulted in a greater than $100M in annual savings. The Program savings breakdown from tactical savings was as follows ($20 M): $5MM from Market Realignment (Transportation), $10MM from combined domestic and import market service (Transportation), $5MM in fixed costs for closing 4 DC's within the year, $50-90MM in recovered Vendor Direct Compliance charges which now was serviced through the MDC agile capability Business Impact.

About the Solution Provider: GlobalReact is a twenty five (25) year old supply chain consulting and systems company comprised of multiple entities who provide management advisory, software, support, project management, business intelligence and business continuity planning. We have worked for twenty six percent of the Fortune 500 and forty four of the Retail Hot 100.



Phone: 866.968.8555 Ext. 5