
Forecast Accuracy, On-Time Shipments, Inventory Reduction, $4M Savings and There's MORE?

April 20, 2012

Solution: Our supply chain planning solution was able to meet these needs, integrating critical forecasting, scheduling and distribution data into a single planning system. The WAM solution delivered unparalleled visibility and collaboration across five manufacturing centers in a combined MTO/MTS production environment.

Results: The results were clear: 20% increase in forecast accuracy, 15% increase in on-time shipments, 25% reduction in inventory levels and $4 million in savings through optimized relocated sourcing and equivalent products usage. Today, with WAM solution's real-time analytics monitoring the supply chain, our client maintains its leading role in the industry.

About the Solution Provider: WAM Systems delivers advanced supply chain planning solutions designed specifically for the process industry. WAM's supply chain solutions provide a broad set of visualization, decision support, and optimization tools that address the unique challenges found in managing complex supply chains in polymers, chemicals, CPG, pharmaceuticals, and oil & gas refining.



Phone:  (800) 358-8305 or (484) 530-4380