
Managing the Careers of Young Supply Chain Professionals

March 28, 2013

The increasing profile of supply-chain management as a career has drawn a large number of young professionals into the discipline in recent years, says Bowersox. "Supply chain as a whole has become a hot topic." Unfortunately, the makeup of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) doesn't fully reflect that younger demographic. The organization faces the challenge of selling itself to these new entrants, with an eye toward helping to manage and advance their career lifecycles.

Currently CSCMP has around 1,000 student members, although young professionals number only around 300. "That tells us that we have a big opportunity there," says Bowersox. "That kind of ratio doesn't reflect the industry today."

Those now entering the supply-chain world face a bright future, Bowersox believes. CSCMP can help them to manage and advance their careers, but it also has to do a better job of understanding the needs of young professionals.

One solution lies in better publicizing the organization and what it has to offer young people. Vehicles for achieving that goal include the annual conference, regional roundtables and the CSCMP career fair. A recent survey of some 800 respondents "told us that we have [an] opportunity to better articulate that breadth of services," Bowersox says.

CSCMP's committee devoted to attracting young professionals is only in its second year of existence. Bowersox says the effort will continue, as the organization looks for ways to expand its products and services.

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Keywords: supply chain, supply chain management, supply management, supply chain jobs, supply chain careers, global logistics, supply chain services, supply chain planning