
DHL Takes Off With New Service Linking the U.S. and Western Canada

September 26, 2007

DHL has introduced a new daily air service between the U.S. and western Canada. According to the company, the new offering provides the most competitive transit times in key western Canadian markets, as well as additional express service options. For example, DHL is now providing next-day delivery of heavyweight shipments weighing more than 150 pounds between the entire U.S. network and western Canada. The daily direct service operates from DHL's principal U.S. air and ground hub in Wilmington, OH to Calgary, Alberta, with a subsequent stop in Vancouver, B.C. It also enables next-day delivery for larger non-conveyable shipments, which make up a significant portion of the U.S.-Canada cross-border trade. Such cargoes include products shipped by the automotive, energy, agriculture and forestry industries. The new U.S-Canada service is DHL's latest action under its North America Trade Lane Initiative, launched last November to boost the speed and efficiency of cross-border shipments.