
Real-Time Location System Enables Clinic to Keep Tabs on Patients, Employees, Assets

June 29, 2016

To manage the movements of patients and healthcare workers throughout appointments within these departments, the clinic installed Versus Technology's Advantages Clinic RTLS, with the aim of minimizing wait times and making check-ins more efficient. The adoption of an RTLS solution was important to the new clinic, Kwiatkowski says, so it could avoid some of the shortcomings that can otherwise plague a large facility offering such a complex array of services.

"The first problem is the ability to see how long patients are waiting and what happens along the way, during their appointment," Kwiatkowski says. The clinic wanted to be sure that it could locate patients and their family members in real time when an appointment was ready, or when they were otherwise needed. In some cases, a patient may have multiple appointments in several departments within the clinic, potentially making it difficult to identify where they are located and whom they've seen at any given time. The clinic also wanted to ensure that patients did not spend a great deal of time waiting in an examination room alone, or that an exam room cleaning was not delayed or missed due to staff members not knowing that a patient had left it.

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