
New Era at Amazon’s Whole Foods Grates on Some Suppliers, Employees

July 3, 2018

Suppliers say they are angry at the higher rates Whole Foods now charges them to sell their products there, with some refusing to sign new contracts. At Whole Foods stores, hundreds of layoffs have upset workers and led to calls for unionization.

“There has never been a time in Whole Foods’ history more ripe for widespread labor organization,” a group of employees wrote in a letter last month as part of their efforts to organize workers.

Amazon and Whole Foods spokeswomen declined to comment.

A year after Amazon bought Whole Foods for $13.5bn, the e-commerce company is making its mark on the nation’s largest natural and organic supermarket. Year-over-year sales at Whole Foods stores are up since the takeover, as consumers respond to new delivery options and enhanced benefits for Amazon Prime members. The store recently introduced 10-percent discounts for Prime members at all 460 stores, and it offers two-hour delivery in 19 cities.

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