The SCB Podcast
Three Issues Plaguing the Retail Supply Chain — and How to Solve Them

Podcast | Three Issues Plaguing the Retail Supply Chain — and How to Solve Them

August 2, 2019

Ever-growing complexity and volatility are the unfortunate hallmarks of the modern-day consumer packaged goods (CPG) supply chain. How can retailers cope?

Online shoppers — spoiled, perhaps, by the aggressive service levels of and rival e-tailers — are more demanding than ever about how quickly they receive their orders. In surveys, 40 percent of consumers name delivery as the most decisive factor in their shopping experience. And 94 percent won’t return to a site after just one delivery failure. It’s no wonder that retailers are responding by ramping up their shipping and logistics spend, but are they doing enough? On this episode, we examine three major issues that retailers are still struggling to overcome, with the help of Gaurav Palta, managing partner of client services and solutions with He discusses the use of artificial intelligence as a means of keeping pace with consumer requirements, and matching supply with demand. The technology is in wide use today, but full maturity is still in the future. Hosted by Bob Bowman, executive editor of SupplyChainBrain.

Look for a new episode of the podcast, which can be downloaded or streamed, every Friday on the SupplyChainBrain website and Apple Podcasts.

Show notes:

A white paper from “Break the Rules: Put a System of Intelligence Over Your Supply Chain With AI.”