
Splinternet Holdings Introduces Gamma Radiation-Detection System

April 16, 2008

Splinternet Holdings, Inc. has developed GammaTect Plus, a gamma radiation-detection system that guards against the threat of a "dirty" bomb at commercial sites and transportation hubs. The technology is designed to be deployed at radioactive storage sites, seaports, airports, government buildings, military installations, power plants and border crossings. It links into Splinternet's DefenTact system for management, monitoring and alerting. GammaTect Plus enables real-time alerts and gamma radiation isotope identification in an unattended perimeter or portal network. When threat-level, high-energy gamma violations occur, a series of photographs is taken by digital cameras. In the event of a high radiological count, the photos, isotope identification and date are sent to a remote command center in the span of one millisecond, triggering an alarm. System administrators can designate alerts to be triggered to PDAs, cell phones, pagers or other mobile devices. GammaTect Plus combines passive surveillance with active alarms, and can be set to ignore medical or other benign environmental isotopes. The system automatically subtracts predictive background radiation, Splinternet said.