Coming Out of the Crisis: A Playbook for Recovering Supply Chains

Podcast | Supply-Chain Finance: A Life Preserver for Small Suppliers?

November 20, 2020

Small business bears the brunt of an economic downturn. Even in the best of times, it lacks ready access to cash, and is often forced to accept ever-longer payment terms from buyers seeking to protect their own reserves. In a terrible economy, fueled by a global pandemic, the plight of small business becomes even more dire. So how do smaller companies gain access to liquidity, which often isn’t available to them at any price? On this episode, we explore options with Dan Ambrico, chief executive officer of LSQ, a provider of supply-chain finance services. We learn about creative working capital solutions that can give companies at the low end of the credit spectrum faster access to much-needed cash, especially in the form of supply-chain finance. It’s a game that was designed for large corporations, whose need is less severe, but these days smaller entities can play as well. Hosted by Bob Bowman, Editor-in-Chief of SupplyChainBrain.

Show notes:

A blog post from LSQ on supporting SMEs while managing risk during the coronavirus pandemic.