
Thriving in the Era of Uninterrupted Supply Chain Disruption: Managing Risk Proactively

September 14, 2021

Webinar Description

Over the past year and a half, we have heard the term “New Normal” being used in all facets of life. As we have seen, the new normal for your supply chain unfortunately means more frequent disruption. COVID-19, along with its direct impacts (lockdowns, border closures, etc.), has sent a domino effect of related disruption, including supply shortages and financial distress – but these aren’t the only threats in town. We are now also seeing an increasing amount of extreme weather events, new laws (Biden Executive Order, EU Supply Chain Due Diligence, etc.) and sustainability requirements.

Managing all this data can be overwhelming without the proper supply chain risk management (SCRM) processes in place. That means it’s time to say goodbye to those manual excel documents and siloed teams – you need to embrace automation

Learn how you can better manage your supplier risk with the help of AI, including:

  • How leveraging centralized, real-time data can help you proactively manage risk
  • Why implementing a risk culture throughout your organization is critical to mitigate disruption
  • What it takes to implement an efficient supply chain risk management program


Bill DeMartino, Chief Product Officer & Managing Director, Americas, riskmethods
Cheryl Van Dyke, Senior Supply Chain Manager, General Dynamics Mission Systems
Pamela Meyer, Senior Purchasing Analyst, Crown Equipment Corporation


Robert Bowman, Editor-in-ChiefSupplyChainBrain