Three wooden alphabet blocks spell "ESG," which stands for environmental, social and governance. Photo: Svetlana Lazhko/ Canva.

Podcast | The ABCs of ESG: Are Supply Chains Making Progress?

February 11, 2022
The SupplyChainBrain Podcast

The ABCs of ESG: Are Supply Chains Making Progress?

February 11, 2022

Bob Bowman

Can global businesses meet ethical standards for behavior even as they’re struggling to survive?

The initials ESG — for environmental, social and governance — present supply chains with a huge responsibility. They must simultaneously ensure the humane treatment of workers throughout the supply chain, make progress toward the goal of net-zero emissions, and generally practice good corporate governance. Oh, and by the way — they need to make a profit. Which is becoming increasingly difficult in these days of pandemic, congested supply lines, rising inflation and uncertain demand. On this episode we discuss balancing all of these priorities with John Ferguson, practice lead for globalization, trade and finance with Economist Impact, a new arm of The Economist Group that aims to achieve progress on major global issues. We discuss whether companies’ commitment to ESG extends beyond good intentions, and the obstacles that stand in the way of doing “good” while doing “well.” Hosted by Bob Bowman, Editor-in-Chief of SupplyChainBrain.

Show notes:

An Economist Impact report on “Sizing the Energy Transition.”