Lucas Systems

Navigating a Volatile Environment - A Software Approach to Warehouse Performance Improvements

May 18, 2023

Webinar Description

Just when pandemic-related market volatility showed signs of easing, increased inflation, Fed rate hikes and recession fears continue to fuel supply chain volatility. As a result, any long lead time warehouse automation projects involving conveyor, racking systems, or robotics have been put on hold.

There is a better and faster way, with a software approach. This session will highlight the unique benefits of utilizing optimization software to improve efficiency and attract and retain the next generation of warehouse workers. We’ll cover why a WMS alone won’t get you there, and how layering in optimization software can provide quick ROI, dramatic productivity and reduction in labor costs.

What you will learn:

  1. Keys to attracting and retaining the future workforce, supported by technology that doubles productivity and streamlines workflow.
  2. The benefits of optimization software in improving workflow and reducing travel time for warehouse workers by 50%.
  3. The limitations of legacy software and WMS and how optimization software can provide greater flexibility for future growth.
  4. The potential benefits of “sharetasking,” integrating physical robotics with optimization software for maximum efficiency and accuracy in warehouse operations.


Kyle Franklin, Senior Solutions consultant, Lucas Systems


Robert Bowman, Editor-in-ChiefSupplyChainBrain