
The Demand Review – Deploying Strategy With Integrated Business Planning

December 15, 2024

Trust is the most important feature in planning and is fundamental to the effectiveness of the Demand Review. Leaders who embrace trust always seem to outperform their less-trusting peers. Developing trust and becoming trustworthy usually involves change. Change is hard, especially for leaders. Companies that develop a strong planning capability go beyond establishing just one course of action. As organizations mature their demand planning process, there is a clear shift in time spent in the Demand Review. The discussion shifts from debating the numbers to focusing on strategies and tactics for achieving the business goals for revenue, margin, and market share. 

In the third white paper of our series, “Deploying Strategy with Integrated Business Planning,” we illustrate how demand planning should drive the business.

How the organization should link its planning and execution through the Integrated Business Planning process. An advanced demand plan enables companies to develop a robust demand planning capability beyond establishing just one course of action. Business leaders can focus on likely assumptions about what might happen in the market with their competitors, suppliers, and internal capabilities.

Please CLICK HERE to download the White Paper.