
Emptoris Expands Supply and Contract-Management Applications

October 15, 2008

An update of supply and contract-management software from Emptoris, Inc. is designed to help companies weather the financial downturn. According to the vendor, the new version provides better data as well as greater agility in the management of contractual relationships. Improvements span Emptoris's Spend Analysis, Sourcing, Contract Management, Supplier Performance and Compliance modules. A new dashboard infrastructure offers real-time visibility to all users within the organization. By clicking on charts and graphs within the dashboard results, one can "zoom in" on the item of interest. The interactive display can be tailored to job- and domain-specific needs. In addition, Emptoris is offering new "click-to-print" capabilities for creating entire briefing books for executives. A new self-service Spend Enrichment Manager processes information from multiple sources, including general ledger, enterprise resource planning, electronic procurement, vendor management and contract management systems. Emptoris is making the Spend Enrichment Manager immediately available to third-party service providers. The vendor's Sourcing Desktop Intelligence tool is accessible directly through Microsoft Excel applications. The software provides statistical analyses of bids for the identification of outliers and item coverage gaps, as well as evaluation of market basket and lotting strategies. The new Contract Performance Visibility module is now directly accessible from within supplier contracts.