
Aljex Software Partners With uFollowit for Freight Tracking

March 25, 2009

Aljex Software has entered into a partnership with uFollowit, a freight-tracking and proof-of-delivery service for the transportation industry. Aljex is a vendor of hosted management software for freight brokers, third-party logistics providers and other transportation entities. uFollowit provides information on load location and status through driver cell phones. The service works whether or not a driver's phone is GPS capable. Updates and voice-print proofs of delivery are provided through speed-dialed calls. Integration of the two vendors' systems allows Aljex users to see uFollowit load updates on their application screens. If they use the Transportation Intermediary Network (TIN), Aljex's map-based application, they can also see the latest uFollowit updates displayed on their working maps. Launched in 2007, uFollowit works as a standalone freight-tracking and proof-of-delivery system, or as a complement to existing tracking services.
Aljex Software