
Import Security Filing

August 18, 2009

Challenge:  A small Midwest importer needed help identifying and capturing the security data elements needed to make an Import Security Filing.  This importer wanted to mitigate risk, minimize processing time, insure accuracy, completeness, with full visibility, and comply with the rule beginning on the effective date of January 26th, 2009.

The Laufer Solution:  After reviewing the customer's ordering procedures, product list and supply chain we created a comprehensive and complete database of the customer's sellers, buyers, ship to addresses, manufacturers, consolidators, container stuffing locations, imported items and their Harmonized Tariff numbers.  We developed a portal through our website to upload these databases allowing us to create codes for all ISF parties.  We then designed a purchase order to capture each data element along with the purchase order information needed by the vendor.  Our customer can now capture all the ISF data elements and can issue a purchase order to their vendors and to Laufer simultaneously.  When the vendor calls to make the booking they are required to identify each purchase order, which contains the necessary ISF data elements that can be linked to the codes and databases which were uploaded minimizing keystrokes and insuring accuracy.  The ISF submission is then completely visible on

Results:  The Laufer Group helped our client understand and capture all the ISF data elements in order to make a timely, accurate, and complete ISF starting on the effective date of January 26, 2009. The upfront review and development of an I.T. solution, visibility tools and new purchase order has now decreased the processing time and follow up required by minimizing the key strokes needed to complete the data fields required by Customs. Customs ISF Progress reports are showing no errors and a 100% timeliness measure for this customer.

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