
Verian Technologies Enhances Expense-Management Module

January 11, 2011

Verian Technologies, a vendor of software for automating the purchase-to-pay process, has upgraded its expense-management module. The changes are intended to help companies improve their expense report efficiency and compliance, Verian said. The latest release includes new receipt photo-capture functionality, easing the process of record-keeping for employees and expense administrators. They can eliminate the need for paper records by taking photos of receipts and e-mailing them directly into the system. Also new is an itinerary import feature, which allows users to import itineraries from TripIt, a trip-planning service which keeps all travel plans in a single online hub. Users can convert travel itineraries into expense reports with just a few clicks, the vendor said. The release also includes an exclusive Google Maps-based mileage calculation feature, which automatically calculates distances for local travelers. Verian's products help companies to manage procurement, invoice processing, employee reimbursement and asset management.

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