The European plastics industry has published a manifesto alerting officials in Brussels to the many impediments it faces, and which it hopes will influence European Union policy.
After battling strong headwinds in 2013, chemical stocks have begun to bounce back this year driven in large part by the surging shale energy boom and a booming North American market. While any downturn in the economy could weigh on this cyclical sector, market dynamics and management strategies look poised to reward investors with performance gains and respectable dividend yields.
Boeing and Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China (COMAC) have opened a demonstration facility that will turn waste cooking oil, commonly referred to as "gutter oil" in China, into sustainable aviation biofuel. The two companies estimate that 500 million gallons (1.8 billion liters) of biofuel could be made annually in China from used cooking oil.
An Environmental Protection Agency proposed rule that would require modified and reconstructed power plants to meet two different carbon dioxide emissions standards under separate provisions of the Clean Air Act is illegal, states and industry groups said.
Equipment used at a West Australian open-pit iron mine is being managed across a 40-square-mile area via active radio frequency identification tags to identify where certain equipment is located, as well as control its operation.
The bio-based products and renewable chemical industry in the United States is growing and offers significant economic benefits, including job creation in numerous sectors, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Marquis, a specialist in energy and agricultural commodities, needed a new approach to supply-chain planning and optimization. Bart Pieper, director of business technology and integration, tells how the company found the right technology vendor for the job.
The manufacturing sector, already a leading component of the U.S. economy, would benefit significantly if the crude oil ban were lifted, according to a new study.
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