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The four container lines that make up the CKYH Alliance are starting up a new pendulum service, linking the Mediterranean, Asia and the U.S. The offering will combine existing CMX (China Mediterranean Express) and PAS (Pacific Southwest) services, deploying 12 container vessels. The new route, designated MAP (Mediterranean Asia America Pendulum Service), will have a rotation of Port Said, Napoli, La Spezia, Barcelona, Suez, Port Kelang, Singapore, Hong Kong, Yantian, Osaka, Tokyo, Long Beach, Oakland, Tokyo, Osaka, Busan, Shanghai, Ningbo, Kaohsiung, Hong Kong, Singapore, Suez and Port Said. According to the principals, launching of the new pendulum service will enable a direct service from Korea and Japan to the Mediterranean while enhancing schedule reliability. The group is upgrading its main fleet of 4,000 twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) vessels to larger ships of between 4,500 and 5,500 TEUs. The CKYH Alliance consists of "K" Line, China Ocean Shipping Co. (Cosco), Yang Ming Line and Hanjin Shipping Co.
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