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Solution: Reengineer processes to reduce product damage. Product went from being largely floor-stacked to 100% racked storage.
Improve distributor satisfaction levels. The pet food company and KANE took the unusual step of visiting distributors together and candidly discussing issues with their operations teams.
Improve warehouse efficiency and management of aging product. Manual, error-prone inventory management processes gave way to a paperless environment using KANE's RF-enabled warehouse management system.
Results: The pet food company was honored by the Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA) as Supplier of the Year. Distributors ranked the company number one nationally, among all suppliers, in overall sales, marketing and logistics operations.
About the Solution Provider: Kane Is Able is a third party logistics provider that helps consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies warehouse and distribute goods throughout the U.S. KANE's CPG logistics solutions include integrated warehousing, contract packaging, and transportation services specially designed to meet the needs of CPG manufacturers.
Web: www.kaneisable.com
Email: info@kaneisaable.com
Phone: 888.356.KANE (5263)
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