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Yes, you can call your potential buyer, but can you stay in contact with them every day?
Yes, you can put an ad in a magazine, but after one pass through the June-July issue, will they really remember you? Yes, you can talk to a purchase agent at a trade show, but what happens after everyone goes home and pamphlets and business cards get lost amid the piles of literature?
An integration of inbound and outbound marketing strategies can bring breakthrough results to a B2B company’s marketing effectiveness.
The marketing strategies of B2B businesses are, in many ways, different from the marketing strategies of a B2C business, simply because their products and targets are dissimilar.
While a B2C business marketing strategy is designed to incite desire for a product or service, creating a specific call to bring the customer to action by purchasing the product, a B2B marketing plan has a trickier end goal – creating a long-term relationship as they partner with other businesses.
Characteristics of a B2B Marketplace
Common B2B Marketing Strategies
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