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Customers can sort the data by individual and multiple key market areas to customize charts and maps of current or historical trends to help them understand demand and capacity. Market data comes from DAT Load Boards, which host more than 120 million load and truck posts each year, and DAT RateView, which compiles more than $24bn in actual freight bills annually.
Currently available data visualizations include:
• Carrier development charts: Provides carrier load-search and truck-posting activity by company and key market area, so users can identify potential business partners in the lanes they run.
• Supply/demand heat maps: Shows the number of available freight loads vs. the number of available trucks in each key market area. This "load-to-truck ratio" is a leading indicator of whether truckload rates on the sport market will rise or fall, and can signal changes in contract freight rates.
• Inbound/outbound trucks and loads map: Shows loads and trucks inbound and outbound for each key market area, to help users better understand freight volume patterns between cities.
• Truck density maps: Shows the concentration of trucks by equipment type within specific geographies. These maps can help carriers understand where to position trucks, or can help shippers when deciding where to locate a plant or distribution center.
Source: DAT Solutions
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