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FedEx has partnered with electronics retailer Newegg, giving its customers an in-app option at checkout to pick up their order at one of 2,500 FedEx locations in the U.S., including 1,800 FedEx Office retail locations. The packages can be stored free of charge for up to five days.
"As e-commerce continues to grow, Hold at FedEx Location is an added benefit that gives customers more flexibility to receive their shipment to better fit their schedules," said David Payton, vice president of marketing.
Newegg also offers will-call order pick up at some of its distribution facilities in North America, free shipping for Newegg premier members and a variety of delivery options.
The FedEx-Newegg program is similar to the UPS Access Point Location program, which allows customers to have their e-commerce orders routed to pickup lockers at 4,000 U.S. locations, including UPS Stores as well as local merchants like 7-11.
For its part, UPS has partnered with packaging company Sealed Air Corp. to address the needs of e-commerce shippers. Under the partnership, UPS customers gain access to package engineering services through Sealed Air’s Packaging Application Centers, which provide design, testing and packaging performance analysis for customers from 27 global locations.
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