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Anybody with a passing knowledge of the supply chain knows how important it is to a company’s success. So why haven’t some CEOs, boards and investors gotten the memo?
“Shareholder value is inextricably linked to supply-chain performance.” That’s the conclusion of a new white paper published by the University of Tennessee’s Global Supply Chain Institute. The research draws a clear line between the efficiency of a company’s supply chain and its market valuation. Nevertheless, few firms surveyed by the researchers have in place a long-term strategy for achieving supply-chain excellence. Even many top executives seem clueless about the ways in which supply chain impacts revenue, working capital, physical capacity, profits and, ultimately, stock price. On this episode, we dive into the study with its author, J. Paul Dittmann, Ph.D. at the University of Tennessee, and Steve Bowen, chairman and chief executive officer of Maine Pointe, which is featured in the research. They’ll discuss what it takes to enlighten management and the investment community about the impact of supply-chain excellence. Bottom line: executive leadership needs to wake up. Hosted by Bob Bowman, managing editor of SupplyChainBrain.
Look for a new episode of the podcast, which can be downloaded or streamed, every Friday on the SupplyChainBrain website and iTunes.
Show notes:
The GSCI white paper, “Driving Shareholder Value With Your Supply Chain.”
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