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As a tool for managing key activities throughout the supply chain, has blockchain come of age? Or is it still mired in hype? There’s been no lack of announcements in recent years of successful pilots for the use of blockchain to track product and record key transactions, from raw-materials acquisition to manufacturing and beyond. But as an everyday method of managing global supply chains, blockchain still falls short. On this episode, we assess the current state and prospects for blockchain in the supply chain with John Monarch, chief executive officer of ShipChain, provider of a visibility platform. He discusses how far this innovative idea has come, and how far it has to go before realizing wide acceptance by the supply-chain community. And he discusses the role that blockchain is playing in helping companies to manage supply in the pandemic. Hosted by Bob Bowman, Editor-in-Chief of SupplyChainBrain.
Show notes:
A blog post from ShipChain: “Does Your Supply Chain Need Blockchain?”
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