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Photo: iStock.com/Wentao Li
Joe Biden December 2 signed into law H.J.Res.100 providing a resolution to avert a nationwide rail shutdown.
At the signing of the bill, Biden said he and his team had succeeded in “averting what could have been a real disaster.”
“But we still have more work to do, in my view, in terms of ultimately getting paid sick leave not just for rail workers but for every worker in America,” Biden continued. “That is a goal I had in the beginning, and I’m coming back at it.”
“I know this was a tough vote for members of both parties,” Biden said of the bill which forces rail workers to continue working past the December 9 deadline initially set to resolve disputes over contract issues, including paid sick leave. A measure to provide railroad workers with paid sick leave passed in Congress earlier this week in tandem with the measure enforcing the agreement. But the sick leave proposal failed in the Senate.
“But it was the right thing to do at the moment to save jobs, to protect millions of working families from harm and disruption, and to keep supply chains stable around the holidays, and to continue the progress we’ve made and continue to see on the economy,” Biden said.
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