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"The single-most important concern for shippers is getting their boxes out of China," Sensenig says. "We hear a lot of complaints about that-about upcharges, about being charged extra cash to get them on ships."
But that's hardly all that shippers have to complain about. Software providers are a particular target of his. "I feel like I'm back in the '90s, when we were dealing with smoke and mirrors. We have software providers who say they're dong a lot of things over the Web, when in fact it's client-server. It's confusing because the customers are offered low fees but given half-a-millon-dollar charges for customization that they never knew they were going to get."
Sensenig is highly skeptical of many providers' claims and urges potential customers to be so as well. "I caution shippers to make sure that what they are being provided is what they are buying, not something that will fail on implementation."
To view this video interview in its entirety, click here.
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