Anticipating dramatic growth in its business, the 2009 high-tech start-up acquired an optimization tool that could easily scale up in the years ahead - yet deliver a full range of services in the meantime.
Chief financial officers of corporations that have already set up captive insurance companies or are thinking about setting one up should ponder the benefits of self-insuring cyber perils and supply chain business-interruption risks via a captive to supplement commercial insurance coverage.
Granarolo, the leading Italian producer of dairy and milk products, was faced with the challenge of accurately forecasting demand for its highly perishable products – especially in the critical and difficult-to-manage area of promotions.
The company continues its relentless efforts to streamline and optimize its supply chain, deploying an application from LLamasoft to engage in predictive analytics and modeling.
Companies are looking more towards chief purchasing officers to help them understand supply chain risks, while firms which are collaborating and sharing information about their suppliers are reducing the cost of due diligence for themselves and making their business more competitive.