For all the enthusiasm surrounding the government's move to the cloud - and there's no shortage - one prominent federal CIO is emphatic that cloud computing, for all its virtues, is no panacea for the government's technology challenges.
Ernie Kremling, vice president of operations with KMG Chemicals Inc., relates the story of how the company selected a 3PL, and what kind of issues it was out to solve in the process. He is joined by Frank McGuigan, president of transportation management with Transplace.
The furious pace of energy exploration in North Dakota is creating a crisis for farmers whose grain shipments have been held up by a vast new movement of oil by rail, leading to millions of dollars in agricultural losses and slower production for breakfast cereal giants like General Mills.
The rapid progress of technology, such as big data and analytics, sensors, and control systems, offers oil and gas companies the chance to automate high-cost, dangerous or error-prone tasks. Most oil and gas operators are starting to capture these opportunities and would do well to accelerate their efforts. Companies that successfully employ automation can significantly improve their bottom line.
Challenge: Our client was looking for a single, centralized solution to harmonize their transportation planning and execution processes. With business operating units in US, Europe, China and Brazil, they had been using different, customized software solutions to manage fragmented transportation practices at each and realized they were hemorrhaging costs on transportation spend, freight bill settlement, operational overhead, and IT support.
The U.S. Transportation Department’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration has proposed revising hazardous materials regulations when it comes to return shipments of certain hazardous materials by motor vehicle.
Challenge: A major chemical manufacturer was rolling out a new product across multiple geographies. This product was highly susceptible to both counterfeiting and diversion, and if used incorrectly could cause harm to the user as well as pose an environmental safety hazard.
Liquid bulk shipping requires complex planning and scheduling. For many oil, gas and chemical companies, getting the business in shape to manage incoming and outgoing shipments drives competitive edge. As prices fluctuate on a daily basis, understanding the options on large crude oil vessels and having up-to-date market information is vital when bidding on spot cargo to accurately schedule your fleet. Being able to take all unassigned ships to a legal berth, with all constraints considered, is a logistic and economic challenge. So, how can companies maximize profitability and avoid unnecessary demurrage costs?
Resilinc has released an application that aids companies in meeting the Securities and Exchange Commission's new reporting rules on conflict minerals in manufactured goods.
Challenge: A major chemicals company manufactures product in Brazil and ships globally, with its largest market in China. It takes 27 days on ship to deliver to China. Customers in China didn't want to wait 27 days to receive goods. The company didn't want to set up a DC in Asia.