The Far East Land Bridge cargo cooperation, whose members aim to revolutionize rail connectivity along the Trans-Siberian route, has witnessed the first container freight train travel from Suzhou, China, to Warsaw, Poland. The 14-day transit resulted from a project among the government of the City of Suzhou in the Jiangsu Province, PKP Cargo (the Polish state railway) and RZD Logistics (part of Russia's rail behemoth).
As one of the most recent members of the European Union, Croatia is seen by many logistics groups a potential growth market and that has been reinforced with the news that the Gefco group, which specializes in automotive and industrial product logistics, is opening up a new subsidiary in Zagreb.
Global trade management (GTM) solutions streamline and automate processes related to customs and regulatory compliance, global logistics, and trade financing. By doing so, GTM solutions facilitate the flow of information, money and goods in global trade supply chains that include buyers, sellers and intermediaries, including customs agencies, banks, and freight forwarders.
While many large companies are aggressively pursuing globalization of their products and brands, the large majority are flying blind, without the ability to truly see what is happening globally or make adjustments, according to new research from The Hackett Group Inc.
Weaknesses in Vietnam's manufacturing and agricultural supply chains have prevented the country from lowering export costs and capturing much needed value addition, said Pham Minh Duc, senior economist at the World Bank.
In today's globalized economy, supply chain professionals work together to deliver products to the end customer while working with different organizations and different business units within the same organization. During this process, supply chain managers face a challenge in controlling inventories and costs while maximizing customer service performance.
In a post-Rana Plaza world, one can only wonder how best to gauge the ethics and worker safety behind our garment-manufacturing industry. The Goliath that the fashion industry has become begs the question whether it's even possible to ensure suppliers do the right thing.
The third-party logistics services industry is growing at a faster rate this year than gross domestic product, but experts at Tompkins International anticipate more aggressive growth than the 6 percent cited by other sources.