, a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) provider on the Salesforce1 platform, has introduced Everyday HCM (Human Capital Management).
Every organization of significant size struggles with alignment. When you talk with CEOs, alignment is often the number one issue on their plate. Even organizations with as few as 25 employees often struggle with what seems like a simple problem: How do I get everyone on the same page?
For many of us trying to navigate the 21st Century, it's become sensible – healthy, even – to maintain a simmering, low-grade paranoia about the impending robot revolution. Advances in automation and robotics are impacting virtually every area of technology and industry.
Despite concerns about rising costs and a lack of qualified workers, purchasing and manufacturing executives at mid-sized U.S. industrial manufacturing companies remain optimistic about revenues and employment for the balance of 2014 and going forward.