Stage Stores operates 850 small-footprint department stores across the country, including the Peebles, Bealls and Goodys chains. Gough Grubbs, senior vice president for distribution and logistics, explains why the company adopted a centralized distribution strategy and how that strategy is supporting corporate growth.
Industrial giant Tyco has embraced a philosophy of "zero harm" in terms of its impact on the environment and the safety of employees. David Haley, director of distribution, explains how this commitment is being implemented at the company’s fulfillment centers.
As a major distributor of food supplies to restaurants, Quality Custom Distribution must monitor and document warehouse and in-transit temperatures for products ranging across four different temperature zones. A custom designed fleet and tailored solutions ensure supply chain integrity for every customer.
The heart of a global business has always been the operations by which it buys, makes and moves what it sells to customers. Yet only 45 percent of supply chain and 40 percent of procurement executives at U.S.-based global companies say they are extremely or very confident that their supply chain organizations have the competencies they need today, according to the 2015 Supply Chain Survey from Deloitte.
There are many articles about the problem of America's "skilled worker shortage" and why we need advanced training; but most don't define or explain what they mean by "advanced training."