The American Society of Transportation and Logistics (ASTL) has granted an academic waiver to American Public University (APU) for its undergraduate and graduate transportation and logistics degree programs.
The American Trucking Associations (ATA) has announced a program to engage and shape young executives to be the trucking industry's next great generation of leaders.
A visit by a Chinese delegation of logistics and education officials reveals that the problems Chinese employers face in filling their logistics jobs are every bit as bad and probably even worse as those experienced by employers in the UK and elsewhere.
The NOVUS Trust has launched a new logistics and supply chain degree in order to address the shortage of graduate talent in the supply chain and logistics industry. Sponsored by companies in the industry, the 4-year Logistics and Supply Chain Bachelors of Science degree course will "arm graduates with the tools they need for a successful career in the industry," starting with a guaranteed job from one of the course sponsors.
John L. Kent, director of logistics and supply-chain management programs at Missouri State University, offers a look at how the educational curriculum in supply-chain management programs is changing - and what employers are looking for in new graduates.