Analyst Insight: Digital business creates new opportunities for consumer packaged goods companies to transact directly to their end consumers. Digital business is information-enabled business that employs an abundance of new information in ways that better service customers. Bottom-line digital business offers the potential to transform the way that CPG companies interact with and serve their customers allowing them to create new operating models that tighten the bonds with their end consumer, which has the potential to transmogrify the CPG industry. - Dwight Klappich, Vice President, Supply Chain Research, Gartner
Tom Enright, research director with Gartner, talks about his recently completed survey on the challenges that are confronting multichannel retailers today, with a particular focus on the issue of returns. He offers his view on what constitutes excellence in the returns process.
Making the case for supply chain is both an art and a science, says Michael Dominy, vice president and chief of research with Gartner. He explains how supply-chain executives can communicate the message both up and down the organizational structure, and handle the sometimes-touchy issue of change management.
Companies are driving "smart manufacturing" through the use of data, automation and a more intensive approach to analytics. Simon Jacobson, vice president with Gartner, explains how this trend will impact the way in which product is made in the future -- and what role human beings will play.
What is supply-chain segmentation? How can it help companies to better manage the flow of product and services, both upstream from suppliers and downstream to customers? Jennifer Loveland, research director of Gartner, has some answers.
Manufacturers are becoming more diverse in their product mixes and geographic reach. But they haven't necessarily responded with the kind of initiatives that drive total integration across the supply chain, says Ben Yokell, principal for demand planning with Chainalytics.
Manufacturers are becoming more diverse in their product mixes and geographic reach. But they haven't necessarily responded with the kind of initiatives that drive total integration across the supply chain, says Ben Yokell, principal for demand planning with Chainalytics.
Faced with new challenges in serving global markets, Amgen set out to improve its supply-chain resiliency with the help of a system from Resilinc. Patricia Turney, executive director of supply chain, tells the story.