Striving to become an integral part of the customer's routine, there's no room for unreliability or variation - predictability rests at the heart of the value proposition for quick-serve restaurants (QSR) across the board. Consequently, customers have historically tolerated preservative-infused, glorified hockey pucks disguised as burgers with a side of greasy fries and a sugar-laden soda drink and called it a day's dinner.
The Defense Department may now officially exclude contractors or subcontractors from receiving information technology contracts based on the risk their supply chain poses to national security systems.
The Global Environmental Management Initiative is developing a tool focused on supply chain sustainability and the procurement decision-making process.
Anyone who works in the automotive business can attest the industry currently is enjoying a period of robust demand. At the same time, there is an enormous amount of risk.
Procurement and supply chain have always been strange bedfellows in manufacturing organizations. There's a rather arbitrary dividing line between activities, which, academically speaking, should not exist in the first place, such as balancing inventory/order size with cost and risk.