We've passed the mid-year mark, which means that the budgeting process is upon us. For CPOs and procurement managers, this isn't exactly a high point of the year - few enjoy taking an annual break from the work at hand to focus on the budget. And of course there is added pressure to finalize strategic plans that align with an effective budget.
The product tanker market has enjoyed healthy returns in recent years on the back of structural changes taking place in trading patterns. However, impending fleet growth is expected to reduce the sector's earnings over the medium term, according to the Product Tanker Market Annual Report 2015 published by global shipping consultancy Drewry.
As a manufacturer, if you make up less than 10 percent of your distributors' product mix, you are not getting the attention of management or, more importantly, sales representatives.
Recent extension of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) for another decade is expected to give the continent's export of cotton a boost in the arm.
United Launch Alliance LLC is a joint venture of Lockheed Martin and The Boeing Co. Brad Houser, senior manager of supply chain operations, explains the company's mission, and how it crafts a supply chain that's geared toward absolute reliability in support of rocket launch services for government and the private sector.