Holiday promotions, including so-called Black Friday deals, are expected to begin even earlier this year than last, according to Experian Marketing Services, a cross-channel consumer information firm that recently surveyed more than 200 marketers.
Retailers in the UK are facing a growing threat of "showrooming," according to research from Omnico, which reveals that one in 10 consumers have used their smartphone to buy a product from another retailer's website while in-store.
Betting that consumers are willing to pay for instant gratification, Canada Post is teaming up with Wal-Mart Canada Corp., Best Buy Canada Ltd., and Indigo Books & Music Inc. in the first major Canadian rollout of same-day online shopping.
Kelly Thomas, group vice president of global accounts with JDA Software, offers a definition of "omni-channel," and discusses how the concept is transforming retail supply chains.
You know all that CRM data you've been so lovingly collecting from loyalty programs, special offers, POS systems and any other way you could find to gather shopper information? It's about to be put at risk by a data broker - and not in the way you expected.