While red-carpet treatment is sometimes extended to celebrities who have done little or nothing to deserve it - can you say Kardashian? - most of the time such recognition is reserved for people who have actually achieved something. Often that means they have done something helpful or beneficial for others. And that's the group we celebrate in this, our annual 100 Great Supply Chain Partners issue.
Intertek, a provider of quality-control and safety products for multiple industries, has launched its Find My Factory app for both iPhone and Android mobile devices.
Wayne McDonnell, director of pharma and life sciences advisory with PricewaterhouseCoopers, talks about the core fundamentals of supply-chain capabilities today, as well as PwC's latest "Pharma 2020" report.
Blake Johnson, consulting professor with Stanford University, details the value that companies can derive from supply-chain risk and flexibility management, and how sales and operations planning can help.
Vitaly Glozman, partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers, outlines the current state and future of supply-chain operations in the biopharmaceuticals industry, with an eye toward achieving both short- and long-term goals.
The majority of consumers in the world's richest markets say they are feeling insecure and anxious and are struggling to save. They have tightened their belts and are buckled in for a sustained period of low or no income growth - a world that feels like the 1930s or the Lost Decade in Japan.
Supply chains are just as susceptible to faddish behavior as anything else. We're social animals, so we tend to follow the crowd - especially if we believe that the crowd has a competitive edge. That's why so many companies flocked to China over the last couple of decades, in search of ever-cheaper sources of production. Or why outsourcing became such a hot trend over that same period of time.
Tom Heebink, western regional manager of the Biotechnology Industry Organization, explains the group's origin, and how it's helping fledgling biotech companies to attracting funding.