SAP Announces Initiatives With IBM for Mid-Market; Satyam for Global Services; Business Process Management May 14, 2008 SAP AG
New Advanced Supply Chain Workbook Offers Guide to Business Improvement May 7, 2008 Advanced Supply Chain Institute
IBM Locates Its Supply Chain Innovation Center in Beijing April 25, 2008 Global Logistics & Supply Chain Strategies
Businesses Owned by Women Increasingly Global in Scope, Green in Policies, Generous in Giving April 25, 2008 Global Logistics & Supply Chain Strategies
Do You Outsource a Little, or a Lot? Just One Time, or Is It a Continuing Process? April 24, 2008 Thomas A. Foster, Global Logistics & Supply Chain Strategies Dabbling in outsourcing may save a few dollars in the short term, but to make transformational improvements to a supply chain, companies need to make a long-term commitment to weaving outsourcing into the fabric of the business.Read More
Ocean Carriers Get Tough on Freight Rates — But Can They Hold the Line?Freight Forwarding/Customs Brokerage