Has your company seen all the headlines about shipping lithium ion batteries by air? How are you supposed to keep up with what's compliant and what is not?
Here's a concise overview on the lithium ion battery air transport regulations that will be effective April 1, along with a preview of what might be expected later in 2016.
The World Container Index's composite index, an average of spot freight rates on 11 global East-West routes connecting Asia, Europe and the U.S., reached a record low of $701 per 40-foot container recently.
Today's consumer packaged goods companies are facing a winner-take-all world in which about half the sales growth - more in certain categories and markets - is coming from digital channels. Companies have to earn their online market positions with new approaches and skills tailored to digital sales, says a report released by The Boston Consulting Group and the Grocery Manufacturers Association.
Analyst Insight: Anyone doing business in today's economy knows that "business happens." The dynamic pace of business means the contract you sign today may not be the right contract for tomorrow. This is why academics, lawyers, and judges are starting to argue for more relational contracts where good ethics are embedded into the overall intent and framework of a commercial contract. When that happens, relational contracting could become a welcome "new normal." - Kate Vitasek, faculty member of the University of Tennessee's College of Business Administration, and principal author of six books on the Vested business model and methodology.
Analyst Insight: The overall market for U.S. 3PL providers has surpassed $116bn after six consecutive years of expansion. The 3PL market has expanded in all but one of the last 10 years, with a recession-fueled decline in 2009 the only blemish. At the same time, global corporations are striving to consolidate the number of logistics providers they work with to obtain more services from fewer providers. - John Johnson, Senior Content Specialist, Gartner Supply Chain
Drewry, the global shipping consultancy, has carried out a simulation study of the operational and financial impacts on lines, terminal operators, ports and other supply chain stakeholders as vessel size increases up to and beyond 18,000 TEU (twenty-foot equivalent units, the standard metric used to measure a ship's cargo carrying capacity). The study results suggest that the economies of scale, that have been a key feature of the liner industry, may be running out.
Just who's responsible for weighing that ocean container? After several years of thrashing out a rule to combat the problem of misdeclared weights, regulators and rulemaking bodies still can't seem to agree.
Analyst Insight: Transportation management technology is the fastest-growing segment of the supply chain technology market. Firms that relied on third parties want to take more control. From global supply chains to adding more advanced services such as home delivery, companies need to improve logistics performance and costs, making this an active technology sector. - Ann Grackin, CEO, ChainLink
The latest news, analysis, services and systems regarding logistics and freight and their impact on global supply chains. Today’s companies are transporting and delivering perishables and manufactured goods in a more timely and efficient manner than ever before through logistics solutions. New technologies that provide information during local and global shipments are transforming the way companies do business - and allowing them to stay ahead of the competition in their industries. As transportation and distribution services continue to evolve, businesses are discovering new ways to increase efficiency and cut costs. Learn how companies are using logistics and cargo solutions to power their supply chains.
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