For the sixth month in succession, the Stifel Logistics Confidence Index declined. This trend resulted in the November Index score falling to the lowest registered for three years. The monthly decline registered in airfreight was more moderate than that witnessed in sea freight; the former was down by 0.4 points to 48.9, whilst the latter dropped 2.8 points, amounting to 46.1.
In future conflicts, America's merchant fleet could find itself outnumbered and outmaneuvered on the high seas, say the authors of a new paper on U.S. maritime security.
Containership reliability took a small step backwards in October as the average on-time performance across all trades reached 77.9 percent, according to Carrier Performance Insight, the online schedule reliability tool provided by Drewry Supply Chain Advisors.
Even before the events in Paris on Friday Nov. 13, unrest in several geographic areas of the world has contributed to major disruption in the supply chain.
The point of running a business is to make a profit. So it seems odd that, when companies move to integrate their operations, they so often leave finance out of the picture.
Inspection Data Systems (IDS) has launched a series of enhanced reporting tools for its mobile inspection and cloud-based applications for truck fleets.
The latest news, analysis, services and systems regarding global logistics and freight and their impact on global supply chains. Today’s companies are transporting and delivering perishables and manufactured goods faster and farther around the world than ever before through global logistics solutions. New technologies that provide information during global shipments are transforming the way companies do business - and allowing them to stay ahead of the competition in their industries. As transportation and distribution services continue to evolve, businesses are discovering new ways to increase efficiency and cut costs. Learn how companies are using global logistics solutions to power their supply chains.
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