Maersk Line, the container-shipping unit of Danish conglomerate A.P. Møller-Maersk, expects the Chinese government to decide in June on the company's application for a shipping alliance with two other shipping operators, in a bid to reduce operating costs amid weak international trade.
In a recent decision affecting ocean freight operators, the International Maritime Organization's Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) adopted amendments to the MARPOL Convention to set a date for the implementation of "Tier III" standards within emission control areas (ECAs) and to make the IMO Member State Audit Scheme mandatory.
Global shipping lines are increasingly shying away from handling cargoes to Iran as restrictions on banking and insurance continue unabated, despite an interim agreement between Tehran and the West that called for limited sanctions relief.
A humble metal box measuring just 20 feet or 40 feet by 8 feet, the shipping container has changed the world. It helped usher in globalization, deliver bananas that taste fresh despite being picked weeks before, and provide the ability for companies to have a truly international supply chain. Yet Maersk Line was late in adopting its use. A new book, tracking the history of the Danish shipping line, explains why.
All of the LD3 containers used by Lufthansa Cargo are now the lightweight versions. The LD3 standard containers produced using lighter composite materials are helping to reduce fuel consumption and emissions at the airline.
As extreme weather impacts global supply chains, industries must keep resources moving. Be it the flow of goods, electricity, communications or oil and gas, today's governments, global manufacturers, aid relief organizations and insurance firms are worried sick over supply chain disruptions. And it's easy to see why.
Supply chains in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region pose a unique set of challenges for the organizations that rely upon them. With a land mass four times the size of Europe, transportation and distribution issues are complex and challenging. The region's diversity, in terms of regulations and political climate, as well as its sheer size makes it difficult to think of an integrated Asia-Pacific supply chain.
The latest news, analysis, services and systems regarding global logistics and freight and their impact on global supply chains. Today’s companies are transporting and delivering perishables and manufactured goods faster and farther around the world than ever before through global logistics solutions. New technologies that provide information during global shipments are transforming the way companies do business - and allowing them to stay ahead of the competition in their industries. As transportation and distribution services continue to evolve, businesses are discovering new ways to increase efficiency and cut costs. Learn how companies are using global logistics solutions to power their supply chains.
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