Environmental organizations TRAFFIC and WWF along with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) have teamed up to develop a new web-based tool to address illegal fishing.
There’s nothing new about the idea of demand planning. Phoenician wine traders, 2,000 years ago, were savvy about staying ahead of fluctuations in demand via a network of merchant informants, and planned supply accordingly. The advent of vastly expanded computer data-processing power, along with the connectivity of the web, has been offering for 20 years or more the attractive proposition of using technology to track and predict demand for goods more accurately.
The singularly defining moment in Artificial Intelligence (AI) — even bigger than when IBM's Deep Blue beat chess master Garry Kasparov — happened back in in 2011 when the unbeatable Jeopardy! Champion Ken Jennings was finally taken down by IBM's new supercomputer, Watson.
The term "sustainable development" was coined in Our Common Future, released in 1987 by the Brundtland Commission, a UN-backed organization created to unite countries in the pursuit of sustainable development. As defined by the Commission, there are three main pillars of sustainable development: economic growth, environmental protection and social equality.
A lean management structure and forward-looking corporate culture is essential in building a smart manufacturing industry, according to experts at Dassault Systèmes' Manufacturing in the Age of Experience conference - where the move to smart manufacturing was a central theme.
Home and corporate Wi-Fi networks - and all the data, photos and messages transmitted across them - could be vulnerable to hackers, according to a computer security researcher in Belgium.
The latest news, analysis, trends and solutions for big data, blockchain and the internet of things (IoT) and their impact on supply chain management. Big data describes the large volume of data that inundates a business on a day-to-day basis and can be analyzed for strategic business insights. IoT is the means that collects and sends data from a range of “things” — anything from watches to fridges to cars — that are connected to the internet with sensors or computer chips. Learn how companies around the world are using big data, blockchain and IoT for supply chain optimization and competitive advantage.
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