Analyst Insight: Inventory is the most visible dimension of supply chain performance. It is scrutinized on the balance sheet by the CFO and external analysts. However, inventory performance is more than a financial metric. Supply chain leaders who are charged to act as stewards for inventory performance must ensure sound planning and supply execution while collaborating to influence and align with demand and product managers. - Paul Lord, Research Director, Gartner Supply Chain
Analyst Insight: For many supply chain executives the term analytics is synonymous with reporting and Big Data is a new buzz word. However, when leaders harness new forms of analytics coupled with an understanding of Big Data opportunities good things happen. Here we share some insights from three studies that illuminate the opportunity. - Lora Cecere, CEO and Founder, Supply Chain Insights
Companies that view transportation management as a core competency with a strategic impact approach technology acquisitions as investments and not merely as costs, says Mike Joseph, director of business development at LeanLogistics. Joseph discusses how this mindset is reflected in other supply chain trends.
Both exciting and depressing developments in the last few months should evoke some thoughtful inquiry. Any technology purchaser, in any sector, but especially in the enterprise space where the stakes are so high, should ask this question: My future is dawning. Which company will enable my path to greatness through their innovation and execution excellence?
The majority of high-tech manufacturers are limited in utilizing their modern enterprise resource planning solutions and understanding how technology innovation can drive greater customer experience, according to a survey conducted by IDC Manufacturing Insights.
Small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) have many of the same complexities as large corporations, but with a very different set of constraints. As a result, in the past SMBs did not have access to the same depth of solution functionality available to large enterprises. Increasingly that picture is changing.
The latest news, analysis, trends and solutions regarding enterprise resource planning (ERP) software and systems and their impact on supply chain management. New developments in ERP software - used by organizations to streamline day-to-day business activities like accounting, procurement and project management - are transforming the way companies operate and allowing them to stay ahead of the competition in their industries. As these solutions continue to evolve, businesses are discovering new ways to increase efficiency and cut costs. Learn how companies around the world are using ERP systems for supply chain optimization.
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