Sweden's Höganäs AB, a producer of metal powders, implements a system to improve its access to market intelligence, plan for demand and optimize inventories, while ensuring just-in-time delivery to the assembly line.
Growth in sales was making it tougher for the popular maker of premium ice cream to keep tabs on its production line. New software to ensure manufacturing quality was needed.
Identifying Customer Incidents with High Propensity for Remote
Resolution Allows Cable and Broadband MSOs to Cancel a Greater
Percentage of On-Site Visits.
Rick Davis, vice president of business planning with Kellogg USA, makes the case for applying sophisticated demand-sensing capabilities to the planning and forecasting process.
Aras, a vendor of open-source software for product lifecycle management (PLM), has made available for download the latest release of the Aras Innovator PLM platform and application suite.
It's more than just number-crunching. Lalit Wadwha, vice president of global supply chain operations with Avnet Electronics Marketing, lays out the fundamentals of supply-chain analytics.
The latest news, analysis, trends and solutions regarding product lifecycle management and its impact on supply chain management. New developments in product lifecycle software - which manages product information from design to disposal - are transforming the way companies operate and allowing them to stay ahead of the competition in their industries. As these solutions continue to evolve, businesses are discovering new ways to increase efficiency and cut costs. Learn how companies around the world are using product lifecycle management solutions for supply chain optimization.
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