Krenar Komoni, founder and chief executive officer of Tive Inc., reveals some surprising facts about the progress of supply-chain visibility — or lack of it.
Supply chains don't just need to be visible — they also need to be transparent. Alexis Bateman, director of MIT Sustainable Supply Chains, explains the difference.
With the advent of disruptive retail technologies, globalization, economic expansion and digitization, offering the right product at the right time is no longer enough.
CoachRail, a cloud-based management software for the motor coach industry, recently announced the launch of Lead Feed: a real-time view of new business opportunities for your transportation company.
The latest news, analysis, trends and solutions regarding supply chain visibility and its impact on supply chain management. New technologies in supply chain visibility are transforming the way companies operate - and allowing them to stay ahead of the competition in their industries. As these solutions continue to evolve, businesses are discovering new ways to increase efficiency and cut costs. Learn how companies around the world are using supply chain visibility solutions for real-time insight, risk management and supply chain optimization.
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